You may also donate by mail by sending a check or money order to:
Feeding Kentucky
PO Box 5522
Frankfort, KY 40602
Monthly Giving
Giving a regular monthly gift is a quick and convenient way to ensure Feeding Kentucky is able to assist our member food banks in meeting increased demands throughout the year. When you decide to make a monthly gift, Feeding Kentucky will deduct a set amount of your choosing from your credit or debit card on either the 5th or 20th of each month.
Giving a Gift in Honor or Memory of a Loved One
Celebrate the holidays, a birthday, or any special occasion with a contribution in honor or memory of family members, friends, colleagues, or a treasured loved one. Acknowledgments, without dollar amounts, can be sent to your honorees if you wish.
Planned Giving Through Stocks & Investments
If you are interested in making a substantial contribution to Feeding Kentucky, consider donating appreciated stock from your investment portfolio. Your tax benefits from the donation of stocks and other investments may be increased and such a generous gift helps us advance our mission of eliminating hunger in Kentucky.
Including Feeding Kentucky in Your Will
Did you know you can include Feeding Kentucky in your will? Leaving a legacy gift in your will to Feeding Kentucky, no matter how small or in what form–cash, investments, property–ensures much-needed food and assistance will continue to reach families in Kentucky that need it the most.
Does Your Employer Match Gifts?
You may be able to double your gift to Feeding Kentucky through Matching Gift Programs! Many employers offer to match your gifts as a way to encourage their employees and often their retirees to support charitable organizations. Please ask your human resources office if your company offers Employer Matching Gifts. By simply filling out the required forms, you can offer a “second helping” of generosity to people who are hungry throughout Kentucky.