Hunger is closer than you think.
Children and adults face hunger in every community across Kentucky. Your neighbor, child’s classmate, or even a coworker may be struggling to get enough to eat.
Hunger can affect people from all walks of life. Many Kentuckians are one job loss or medical crisis away from food insecurity – but some people, including children and seniors, may be at greater risk of hunger than others.
Get more facts on hunger through these resources:
The State of Senior Hunger in America in 2021. April 2023.
Who is Accessing Charitable Food in America? December 2019.
The Impact of the Coronavirus on Local Food Insecurity May 2020.
Hunger Among Older Adults Age 50-59 in 2018. May 2020
Map the Meal Gap 2020. Click here for Feeding America’s interactive United States map of the report. May 2020.
Kids Count Data Book- Kentucky profile. June 2020
FRAC: SNAP Matters for Seniors February 2019.
Food Insecurity and Health Outcomes. Health Affairs, November 2015.
SNAP: State by State Fact Sheets. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, March 2020.
Household Food Security in the United States in 2017. September 2018.
How Hungry is America? August 2018.
Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation: Summer Nutrition Status Report. June 2018.
The Unequal Impact of Food Insecurity on…Children. July 2018.
Comprehensive Diabetes Self-Management Support From Food Banks: A Randomized Controlled Trial. July 2018.
CDC State Indicator Report on Fruits and Vegetables. June 2018.
Feeding America: What Hunger Looks like in Kentucky. 2020
Understanding the Connections: Food Insecurity and Obesity
NIH: PubMed: Food Insecurity, Cost-Related Medication Underuse, and Unmet Needs. 2014.