Program Introduction for Farmers


Kentucky farmers can make direct sales to the Association and will be responsible for delivering the produce to the closest food bank warehouse. Click here for a map of which regional food bank serves each county. Deliveries to local food distribution agencies may be arranged on a case-by-case basis; contact us at to inquire about local deliveries.

Farmers are to prepare a detailed invoice including their full name and address, type of produce delivered, unit, price per unit and total due. Click here for a sample invoice.

We are also happy to work with produce auctions, cooperatives, and farmers markets. The auction/cooperative/market managers arrange for the purchase of Kentucky-grown produce from Kentucky farmers and oversee its delivery to food banks.


The 2018 prices for fresh produce will vary depending on weekly market conditions and will be determined as approximately 95% of Kentucky produce auction market prices for U.S. No. 2s as reported on the University of Kentucky’s website: ( Prices are to include the cost of packaging and delivery unless other arrangements have been made.

See below for our most recent price list:

Prices-for-the-Week-of-August 6th-2018

Pounds Donated

Farmer Spotlights

“Farms to Food Banks is great for Kentucky, not just for farmers but for everyone who eats. At the end of the day, if we can break even, we’re happy to donate”.

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